XX MLAIC European Champioship

20th MLAIC European Champioship
3-10 August 2025
Barcelos, Portugal


How to start black powder shooting?

The hardest step is always the first one in any hobby. Shooting old and repro muzzle loading guns is not an exception. We would like to help you with a few thoughts how it is convenient and practical to have those very first few steps, so you can avoid wasting money and time, since keeping the adventure of exploring your way of historical shooting.


Black powder shooting

Blackpowder shooting is a target sport for historical muzzleloading firearms loaded with traditional blackpowder. The renaissance of black powder shooting started in middle of the last century. Melting history with shooting sports it evolved into a unique mix of cultural and sports activities spreading all over the World.

You want to get involved?

The best way to start muzzleloading shooting is to find the nearest blackpowder shooting club, or to contact directly your national blackpowder federation. Shooters are always very friendly, helpful people.

Here you have the list and contacts of the national blackpowder federation…

History of MLAIC

While M.L. guns were always used in Europe, especially hunting by farmers, there was no shooting club for old gun fans. In the U.S.A., Red Farris and Oscar Seth held a first shooting match at Portsmouth (Ohio) on February 22nd-1931, then founded the N.M.L.R.A. in 1935, and held a yearly championship at Friendship (Indiana) attended by many shooters. Their scope was mainly civil free guns, and folklore, while Europeans were more concerned with military muskets and rifle events…


Impression about a championship

A quick impression about a week full of blacpowder smoke. 27th MLAIC World Championships, Hungary

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