Invitation: 1st Hungarian Grand Prix, 27-29 May 2016, Sarlóspuszta

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1st MLAIC Hungarian Grand Prix

Friendship Match

part of the

Alps – Danube – Adria Championships Series

Dear Delegates, Team Captains,

We are happy to inform you that the Hungarian Muzzleloaders Association will be holding its first ever international MLAIC Friendship Match from 27-29 May 2016 at Sarlóspuszta, Hungary.

The competition will take place at the same range where the 27th MLAIC World Championships will be held this year, so it will offer an excellent possibility to test the facility.


End of registrations: 15th May 2016. There are two methods for registering for the competition:

Please follow this link to access the online registration system.

If your team chooses to register all shooters in a singe document, please use this form and email it to

Registration fee for single target events: 12 Euro

Registration fee for clay target events: 20 Euro

Contact info:

Tel: 0036204696530

Fax: 003612331298




Accommodation will be organized by the participants.


25 m

MLAIC disciplines: Kuchenreuter O, Kuchenreuter R, Cominazzo, Mariette, Colt, Tanzutsu

Non MLAIC disciplines: Paterson (open top percussion revolvers, Mariette rules)

Team events: Forsyth, Boutet, Peterlongo, Adams, Wogdon, Kunimoto

50 m

MLAIC disciplines: Vetterli O, Vetterli R, Pennsylvania, Lamarmora O, Lamarmora R, Miquelet O, Miquelet R, Tanegashima, Hizadai, Donald Malson

Non MLAIC disciplines: Berdan (percussion breech loader rifles, Vetterli rules), Trapper (patch roundball, open sight percussion or flintlock rifle, no shooting jackets, boots, aperture shooting glasses allowed)

Team events: El Alamo, Pforzheim, Kossuth, Halikko, Enfield, Nagashino, Hinowa)

100 m

Minié, Whitworth, Maximilian

Team events: Magenta, Lucca, Rigby

Clay target events:

Individual: Lorenzoni, Manton

Team: Hawker, Bateswille

Our clay target events will be part of the ADA (Alps-Dounau-Adria) Cup.

The ADA-Cup Trophy (a gold-plated apple) will be given to the winning team as follows:

3 shooters 50 clays Lorenzoni and

3 shooters 50 clays Manton (can be the same shooters as Lorenzoni)

No differentiation between Original and Reproduction!

The Trophy is a challenge trophy! The winning team will keep it for one year and bring it back to the ADA Cup of the following year. If a nation win it three times, it can be kept, however, the nation keeping the ADA Cup must endow a new one. If no nation wins it three times within ten years, it will can be kept by the winning nation of the tenth year.

Award ceremonies:

Individual events:

1-3 places: medal

1-6 places: diploma

Team events:

1-3 places medals, diploma

Range locations:

The range of the 1st MLAIC Hungarian Grand Prix is located at Sarlóspuszta. Sarlóspuszta is approximately 65 km far rom Budapest in the southern part of Hungary. It can be reached easily and comfortably by car on motorway M5.

Address: Shooting range and Club Hotel

2375 Tatárszentgyörgy, Sarlóspuszta

GPS coordinates:

N 47.04388° E 19.34385°

N 47° 2’ 37’ E 19° 20’ 37’’

N 47° 02.622’ E19° 20.629’

Shooters buffet – a traditional goulash party:

On 28th May, Saturday we are organizing a traditional Hungarian goulash party for the participants of the competition inside the Sarlóspuszta Holiday Resort. The menu will be simple: traditional Hungarian goulash soup, made as our ancestors made it for many centuries, with some good Hungarian wine. This litte party is intended to be an informal evening program, just to have good talk about blackpowder guns, life, and everything friendship needs. The price is 15 Euro, and drinks are included also. If you intend to participate, please mark it during the registration process.

We are looking forward to your participation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards,

Balázs Németh


Hungarian Muzzleloaders Association
